Sunday, May 1, 2016

Installing Ansibe from source

Ansible Install

Installing Ansible from source (with fish shell)

  1. Check python version python --version if python is not installed you should install it.

  2. Install easy_install and pip sudo apt-get install python-setuptools sudo easy_install pip

  3. Install c compiler sudo apt-get install build-essential and python dev sudo apt-get install python-dev

  4. And install dependencies sudo pip install paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 httplib2 six

  5. Move to directory where you want to install ansible (this should be directory that user has acces to because he will need to run set env script) ~/lib and execute git clone git:// --recursive

  6. Go into directory cd ./ansible

  7. Set running config script on login into shell (~/config/fish/

    # Run script to set ansible to work
    # > redirects stdout and ^ redirects stderr
    . /home/mladen/lib/ansible/hacking/ -q > /dev/null ^ /dev/null
  8. You should also add script to get latest version of ansible from git to /etc/init.d/

    I named script refresh-ansible

    # Help for setup:
    # Provides:          refresh-ansible
    # Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
    # Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
    # Default-Start:     3
    # Default-Stop:      
    # Short-Description: Start refresh-ansible at boot time
    # Description:       Refreshes ansible instalation at boot time.
    cd /home/mladen/lib/ansible
    git pull --rebase
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  9. You should make this file executable sudo chmod +x refresh-ansible and run command sudo update-rc.d refresh-ansible defaults. This will add script to directory /etc/rc3.d/. If you later want to remove script from boot just run sudo update-rc.d refresh-ansible remove

  10. Next you need to install boto sudo -H pip install -U boto

  11. Create ~/.boto file with content

    aws_access_key_id = AKIAJTKAWVR5TELVR4VA
    aws_secret_access_key = wir9eklBfm8HQbDIlkxfIkOOpRb3VJ7mGFgVgu4a
  12. Change .boto permissions chmod 400 ~/.boto

  13. Last you need to put your aws credentials in .ssh directory (*.pem)